We are here for you in this time of need. You don’t have to go through this process alone. We’re here to help.
Financial Planning For Widows
You’re Not Alone

They were your “better half”, your “soul mate”. Losing that special someone, either suddenly or after a prolonged illness, is gut-wrenching. You’re likely to feel anxious, fearful and lonely. It may feel tempting to put financial matters on the “back burner” while you’re mourning, but, instead, take this time to assemble “your trusted team”: your attorney, tax professional and financial advisor. Reach out to team members who truly care about and listen to your needs and priorities.
Depending on the study, between 70-80% of widows switch financial advisors within a year of losing a spouse or partner. Be intentional and seek out an advisor who is attentive and who believes there is no such thing as a dumb question!
There will be lots of well-meaning family members, friends and acquaintances who will attempt to give you unsolicited advice. Lean on your panel of experts and don’t make big decisions in haste or while you’re in an emotional state.
Heirs or others may pressure you for money while you’re feeling vulnerable: let your experts be the ones with the big shoulders. Please leave joint checking accounts open. It’s possible you’ll receive checks made out to your spouse or partner up to a year after their death.
After assembling your team, the most important thing is to be good to yourself: connect regularly with friends, get plenty of sleep, eat right, exercise, and take bubble baths!
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